NautilusCD Magazine welcomes submissions of multimedia content and invites YOU to publish your information, software and presentations on CD ROM:
* Applications
* Demonstrations
* Multimedia Presentations
* ToolBook¬ Projects
* Digitized Photos
* Graphics and Clip Art
* Digitized Sounds
* Production Music
* MIDI Music Files
* AVI file format & QuickTime¬ format Movies
* Reviews & Commentary
If you have other types of material for which the multimedia capabilities, timely distribution and massive storage capacity of the NautilusCD Magazine seems appropriate, let us know.
In addition we value your opinions and feedback (which you can send to us from this disc using your modem and the NautilusCD Communications Link, your phone calls to our voice mail at 614/761-4112, fax or mail).
All submissions should be prepared in accordance with the NautilusCD Magazine Submission Guidelines outlined in the GUIDE.DOC document. If those guidelines appear to be inadequate for your idea, please contact us via Link, phone, or fax (the numbers are listed below).
All contributions must be accompanied by an original, signed copy of the NautilusCD Submission Agreement (see SUBMIT.WRI). Note that submitted material will not be republished on NautilusCD if contents include any infringement of standard copyright laws, e.g., use of recognizable, copyrighted music, photos, video or voices.